Materialized View in SQL Server: Understanding its Purpose, Benefits, and Best Practices :

Hello and welcome to our comprehensive guide on materialized views in SQL Server. As a database developer or administrator, you know how crucial it is to optimize the performance of your queries and reduce the response time for your applications. One of the techniques that SQL Server provides is the use of materialized views, which are precomputed and stored result sets that can dramatically improve the query performance. In this article, we will delve into the details of materialized views, how they work, how to create and maintain them, and how to leverage them to enhance your database operations. Let’s begin!

Part 1: Introduction to Materialized Views

What are Materialized Views?

Materialized views are database objects that contain the results of a query or a set of queries that have been precomputed and stored in a table-like structure. Unlike regular views, materialized views are not just virtual tables that provide a logical representation of the underlying data. Instead, they contain the actual data that is derived from the base tables and refreshed periodically, according to the defined schedule or trigger conditions. The advantage of materialized views is that they allow you to speed up complex queries that involve multiple joins, aggregations, or subqueries, by avoiding the need to compute these operations every time the query is executed. Instead, the precomputed results are retrieved directly from the materialized view, which can save a lot of time and resources.

Why Use Materialized Views?

The main benefit of materialized views is that they can significantly improve the query performance and reduce the response time for your applications. By storing the results of expensive queries in a separate table, you can avoid the overhead of executing these queries every time they are needed, which can be especially useful for ad-hoc or reporting queries that are run frequently but do not change the underlying data. Another advantage of materialized views is that they can simplify the complex queries and reduce the number of joins, subqueries, and aggregations that are required, which can make the queries more readable and maintainable.

When to Use Materialized Views?

Materialized views can be useful in various scenarios, such as:

  • When you have complex queries that involve multiple tables and require expensive operations, such as aggregations, subqueries, or calculations.
  • When you need to speed up the performance of frequently executed queries that have a significant impact on the application response time.
  • When you want to reduce the load on the database server and optimize the resource usage by caching the results of the queries in a separate table.
  • When you need to simplify the queries and make them more readable and maintainable by eliminating the need for complex joins, subqueries, or temporary tables.

Part 2: Creating and Managing Materialized Views in SQL Server

How to Create a Materialized View in SQL Server?

To create a materialized view in SQL Server, you can use the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement, which is similar to the CREATE TABLE statement. The syntax of the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement is as follows:

Keyword Description
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW Specifies that you are creating a new materialized view.
view_name Specifies the name of the materialized view that you want to create.
AS Indicates that you are defining the query that will populate the materialized view.
SELECT Specifies the columns and tables that will be included in the materialized view.
WITH Specifies the options that control the behavior of the materialized view, such as the refresh mode, the schedule, or the storage settings.

Here is an example of how to create a materialized view that contains the total sales by category and month:

CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW sales_by_category_month
AS SELECT product_category, MONTH(order_date) AS month, SUM(total_price) AS total_sales
FROM orders
INNER JOIN order_items ON orders.order_id = order_items.order_id
INNER JOIN products ON order_items.product_id = products.product_id
GROUP BY product_category, MONTH(order_date)
       NEXT_DATE = '2020-02-01', SCHEDULE_NAME = 'weekly_refresh') ;

How to Refresh a Materialized View in SQL Server?

After you create a materialized view, you need to refresh it periodically to ensure that the data is up-to-date and consistent with the source tables. SQL Server provides several methods for refreshing materialized views, such as:

  • Full refresh: This method rebuilds the entire materialized view from scratch by executing the underlying query and replacing the existing data with the new results.
  • Incremental refresh: This method updates the materialized view with only the changes that have occurred since the last refresh, by comparing the source tables with the existing data in the materialized view and applying the updates accordingly.
  • Fast refresh: This method updates the materialized view by applying the changes that have occurred to the source tables since the last refresh, without executing the entire query again. This method is faster than full refresh and incremental refresh, but requires certain conditions to be met, such as the use of a primary key or a unique index on the source tables.

Here is an example of how to refresh a materialized view using the full refresh method:

EXECUTE sp_refreshmaterializedview sales_by_category_month ;

How to Modify a Materialized View in SQL Server?

If you need to modify the definition of a materialized view, you can use the ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW statement, which is similar to the ALTER TABLE statement. The syntax of the ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW statement is as follows:

Keyword Description
ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW Specifies that you are modifying an existing materialized view.
view_name Specifies the name of the materialized view that you want to modify.
WITH Specifies the options that control the behavior of the materialized view, such as the refresh mode, the schedule, or the storage settings.

Here is an example of how to modify a materialized view by changing its refresh mode:

ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW sales_by_category_month

Part 3: Best Practices for Using Materialized Views in SQL Server

How to Optimize the Performance of Materialized Views?

Here are some best practices that you can follow to optimize the performance of materialized views in SQL Server:

  • Choose the right refresh method: Depending on the size and complexity of the materialized view, you should choose the most appropriate refresh method that balances between the speed of refresh and the resource usage. For example, if the materialized view contains a large number of rows and columns, you may need to use the full refresh method to rebuild the view from scratch, while if the materialized view contains only a small subset of data, you may use the incremental refresh method to update the view with the changes.
  • Use indexes and filters: To speed up the query performance of the materialized view, you should consider adding indexes to the underlying tables and filtering out the unnecessary data that does not contribute to the results. This can help reduce the disk I/O and memory usage during the refresh and query operations.
  • Manage the storage of materialized views: Since materialized views can consume a significant amount of disk space, you should manage their storage efficiently by allocating enough space, compressing the data, or partitioning the view into smaller tables based on the criteria that make sense for your application.
  • Monitor the refresh schedule and performance: To ensure that the materialized views are refreshed timely and accurately, you should monitor the refresh schedule and performance, and adjust the settings if necessary. SQL Server provides various tools and functions for monitoring the materialized views, such as the sys.materialized_views catalog view, the sp_refreshmaterializedview system stored procedure, and the performance counters for materialized views.

How to Troubleshoot Issues with Materialized Views?

If you encounter any issues with materialized views in SQL Server, such as slow refresh, incorrect data, or unexpected errors, you can use various troubleshooting techniques and tools to diagnose and resolve the issues. Some common strategies include:

  • Check the log files and error messages: SQL Server logs the errors and warnings related to materialized views in the error log, the event logs, and the system health extended events. By reviewing these logs and messages, you can identify the source of the problem and take appropriate actions.
  • Test the queries and refresh methods: To isolate the issue, you can test the underlying queries and refresh methods of the materialized view by running them separately and comparing the results with the expected output. You can also experiment with different refresh modes and options to see if they improve the performance or accuracy of the materialized view.
  • Update the SQL Server version and patches: Sometimes, the issues with materialized views may be related to the bugs or limitations of the SQL Server version or patches that you are using. By upgrading or patching the SQL Server, you may be able to fix the issues or leverage the new features and improvements that help with the materialized views.

Part 4: Conclusion and Future Directions

Congratulations! You have learned the fundamentals of materialized views in SQL Server, how to create and refresh them, and how to optimize their performance and troubleshoot issues. Materialized views are a powerful tool that can help you speed up your queries, simplify your code, and improve the user experience of your applications. However, like any database object, materialized views require careful planning, design, and management to achieve their full potential. As SQL Server continues to evolve and offer new features and enhancements, we can expect to see more advances in the area of materialized views, such as the support for online refresh, the integration with external data sources, or the optimization for distributed systems. Stay tuned for new updates and best practices in the world of materialized views!


What is the difference between a materialized view and a regular view?

A regular view is a virtual table that provides a logical representation of the underlying data in the base tables. A regular view does not store the data physically, but rather derives it dynamically from the base tables every time the view is referenced in a query. In contrast, a materialized view is a physical table that stores the precomputed results of a query or a set of queries. A materialized view can improve the performance of the queries that involve expensive operations or complex joins, by avoiding the need to compute these operations every time the query is executed. However, a materialized view requires more storage space and may require additional maintenance tasks, such as refresh or indexing.

What are the benefits of using materialized views?

The main benefits of using materialized views are:

  • Faster query performance: Materialized views can reduce the response time of complex queries that involve multiple tables and require expensive operations, such as aggregations, subqueries, or calculations. By storing the precomputed results in a separate table, materialized views avoid the overhead of executing these operations every time the query is run, which can be especially useful for ad-hoc or reporting queries.
  • Simplified query design: Materialized views can simplify the queries and reduce the number of joins, subqueries, and aggregations that are required, which can make the queries more readable and maintainable. By eliminating the need for complex temporary tables or intermediate steps, materialized views can enhance the clarity and performance of the queries.
  • Reduced load on the database server: Materialized views can reduce the workload on the database server and optimize the resource usage by caching the results of the queries in a separate table. By avoiding the need to compute the same operations repeatedly, materialized views can free up the memory, disk I/O, and CPU cycles for other tasks or users.

What are the limitations of materialized views?

Some of the limitations of materialized views are:

  • Storage space: Materialized views can consume a significant amount of disk space, especially if the view contains a large number of rows or columns. You need to plan carefully for the storage requirements and allocate enough space to avoid running out of disk space.
  • Refresh time: Materialized views need to be refreshed periodically to ensure that the data is up-to-date and consistent with the source tables. Depending on the size and complexity of the view, the refresh time can be lengthy and may impact the performance of other tasks or users. You need to balance between the frequency and the speed of the refresh to achieve the best results.
  • Maintenance tasks: Materialized views require additional maintenance tasks, such as indexing, partitioning, or monitoring, to keep them running smoothly. You need to allocate enough time and resources for these tasks and ensure that they are performed regularly and correctly.
  • Refresh modes: The refresh modes of materialized views can have different impacts on the performance and accuracy of the view. Depending on the complexity and change rate of the underlying data, you may need to choose the most appropriate refresh mode that suits your needs and constraints.

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